Understanding Regression Therapy

While everyone seems to be talking about “past lives” these days, it’s imperative to understand that past life therapy is one component of a far broader healing modality called Regression Therapy.

Regression Therapy is a process which encompasses specialized techniques to locate, track, resolve and re-frame emotionally coupled images from traumatic or emotionally charged events in the mind, physical body and energetic body. Each technique is individually tailored to a person’s needs, belief systems and culture.

Medical science recognizes that life experiences and traumas are perceived by the subconscious mind as an image, linked with either a negative or positive emotion. If unresolved, these emotionally coupled images, are translated and held in the mind and body’s energetic layers, ultimately governing how we unconsciously react to people, places and situations in our lives. (commomly known as “triggers”)

Regression Therapy deals with the subconscious and conscious mind, as well as a person’s, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual - energetic layers at one given time – facilitating a very deep energetic healing and shift.

The ultimate goal of Regression Therapy is to aid an individual to clear emotional blockages and gain an understanding of the root cause, in order for them to be as successful in all walks of life.
