Regression Session Components

Past life / Current life / Inner Child Components / Soul Retrieval:

Each component can be done as a separate or combined regression session, depending on the clients beliefs and needs.

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Clients are guided into a relaxed state of awareness via hypnosis, to resolve scenes or conflicts from past lives, current life issues, or current life inner child trauma. Hypnosis is used in order to buy pass the conscious or logical mind and enter the subconscious mind, where memories are stored.  These memories may be unconsciously distorting ones mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing, in the form of energy blocks in the body. Energy blocks can manifest in many different ways in the current life,  e.g. anxiety, anger outbursts, depression, panic attacks, phobias, relationship problems, or unexplained physical pain.


  • Qualified therapists  - are trained to link and clear blocked trauma, ultimately helping the client to clear and obtain understandings on aspects affecting their current lives. 

  • Past life / current life session  -  2.5 hrs 

  • Inner child session - 2.5 hrs 

  • Soul Retrieval - 2.5 hrs


How Many Sessions Do You Need?

Usually, the number of sessions will be agreed upon on an individual basis, depending on the complexity of the issue. Usually you will have a profound shifts in your life patterns after 2 sessions.


Complex Trauma Therapy


Hypnotherapy & Nutrition