Evidence of Past Lives in Everyday Life

The Past is Still Present

When most people look for evidence of their past lives, they usually overlook evidence that is "hiding in plain sight".

Seeing the World With New Eyes

Looking at the present day world through past life eyeglasses can give one a whole new perspective on and an explanation for certain phenomena that has been and is present in "real life". Here is some evidence of past life carryovers that explain several observable present day situations and phenomena.


The "Deja vu" experience is the feeling that we have been somewhere or done something before when we could not possibly "have been there or done that".

For example, Peter Ramster investigated Cynthia Henderson who "remembered a life during the French Revolution. When under trance, she spoke in French without any trace of an accent, understood and answered questions put to her in French, used dialect of the time, and knew the names of streets which had changed and were only discoverable on old maps". A more compelling case of Deja vu is the "800 Year Old Case of Synchronicity" reported by Dr. Bruce Goldberg who had two clients unknown to one another who shared the same lifetime. In different sessions years apart, they reported identical events from the opposing viewpoints of their past life personalities. Only Dr. Goldberg knew of this synchronicity (for more see Ramster "In Search of Lives Past" and Goldberg "Past Lives, Future Lives").


Children who claim to remember a previous life have been found in many parts of the world, particularly in areas where the concept of reincarnation is accepted "as in the Buddhist and Hindu countries of South Asia". There are also cases "among the Shiite peoples of Lebanon and Turkey, the tribes of West Africa, and the American Northwest. Stevenson has collected over 2,600 reported cases of past life memories of which 65 detailed reports have been published. Specific information from the children's memories has been collected and matched with the data of their former identity, family, residence, and manner of death."

Many believe that children's past life memories are among the most compelling because, given the level and complexity of detail "remembered", it would be almost impossible to fake this information by coaching. (For more see Ian Stevenson's "Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation", "Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect", "Children Who Remember


Extreme forms of past life manifestations in children are the phenomena of "child prodigies" (children who are born with extremely advanced expertise) and "idiot savants" (children who can perform complex mathematical or scientific calculations but are lacking in very basic social skills).

Child prodigies have developed certain skill sets in such a high degree in past lives that they become deeply ingrained in their persona. So when that Soul reincarnates, the skills come along in the new body fully intact and a child prodigy is born. For example, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart believed that he had been a musician in many past lives where he had developed his amazing technical skills.

Similarly, idiot savants reincarnate with fully developed skill sets but there is usually such a serious imbalance between their mental and emotional bodies as to put the mental body completely in control of the individual. The mind "out of control" drives the emotions and the physical body of the savant to act in ways that are considered to be socially unacceptable. The karmic goal of this existence is to "knock" the emotions back into shape and restore balance.


Xenoglossia is someone's "ability to speak or write in a language that has not been learned". Cases of xenoglossia are the hardest to explain - other than in the context of past lives - where the individual involved "spontaneously" can write in languages long extinct and known only to a handful of research scholars.

For example, "Dr. Morris Netherton reports one case of a blond, blue-eyed eleven year old boy who under hypnosis was taped for eleven minutes as he spoke in an ancient Chinese dialect. When the tape (recording) was taken to a professor at the Department of Oriental Studies at the University of California it turned out to be a recitation from a forbidden religion of Ancient China" (see Ian Stevenson's work "Unlearned Language: Xenoglossia" for more).


"Birthmarks or other physiological manifestations have been found to relate to experiences of past lives, particularly violent death. Writing as a specialist in psychiatry and as a world-renowned scientific investigator of paranormal events, Ian Stevenson asks us to suspend our tendencies to disbelieve in reincarnation."


Many people dream about looking across a crowded room and seeing the love of their life. "Love / hate at First Sight" is a well documented historical phenomenon.


Every attitude and belief you have comes from somewhere. Obsessions and compulsions in this lifetime are usually directly traceable back to a past life where they originated. If the traits or the behaviors are disempowering enough in one's life today, then it becomes an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD).

The spiritual purpose of OCD is force the individual to seek the answer to why they are now being "plagued" with thoughts and behaviors that they have "no control over". When the life lesson associated with OCD has been fully learned and "absorbed" into the individual's body-mind, the "disempowering" trait or behavior will fall away. Often all that is needed is for the individual to confront the past life(s) where the OCD originated and integrate the necessary learning.


Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) and/or Schizophrenia (SCH) can be caused by the emergence of past life personalities that arise to help the present day person solve problem(s). The trouble comes when these past life personalities are not properly reintegrated back into the present day person's memory.

What normally happens is, that when an individual is in crisis, they access the "unused" part of their brain where their past life personalities are stored to help them overcome it. When the crisis is averted, the pathway to that part of their brain is automatically shut off .

In cases of MPD or SCH, the crises are so severe or so chronic that this shut down mechanism can no longer function properly. The mind then has difficulty distinguishing between the current and all prior personalities. In a sense, the prior personalities come back to life and fight for the attention of the current body-mind.

In SCH, there is a dominant prior personality which drives out all others except themselves and the current day personality.

In MPD, a host of prior personalities jockey for position at the forefront of the person's awareness and end up "taking turns".


Dr. Ian Stevenson's Reincarnation Research


More evidence of past lives